Collection: Gustavo

My name is Cesar Gustavo Arce, I am 45 years old and I come from a family of mechanics, I grew up in the middle of the ironworks. At the age of 20, working in the family workshop, I decided to go study in Buenos Aires and join the Argentine Army.

Military life took me to Corrientes, a province known for its cutlery tradition, there I met a great friend who was dedicated to cutlery, I finally discovered a passion.

With the skills acquired in my childhood workshop and the teachings of my friend from the army, I "took off" to create the first pieces of knives. Throughout this process I had to read, study and train myself to improve the quality of my work. Until in 2006 I returned to my hometown and began to sell my works.

Finally, this led me to leave the army and dedicate myself to what truly gave me happiness, creating knife parts with steel.

My works are 100% handmade from the collection of the raw material to the completion of the product using traditional and ancient techniques, such as metal forging. Always taking care not to industrialize the product so as not to lose its essence.

The creation process is very extensive, the handles are made with materials from the area such as wood, antlers, bones, leather, etc. The metals are recycled material such as plow discs, disused machete blades, elastic sheets from vehicles and of course also on virgin steel.

Today I dedicate myself to making knives with ancient and traditional techniques. It is what I am passionate about and best of all is the freedom to do what I like.