Collection: Reinaldo

I was born in Jujuy, I am 46 years old and I found this vocation by accident, I worked in the fields and things in life caused me to be incapable for rural tasks, I fell into a depression, imagine I was young and being told you can't work more... it was terrible.
As a therapy, I found the art of filigree and made it the main livelihood of my family. It's been almost 20 years since I've been doing this... I'm not rich but I'm happy! (smiles).
Little by little my wife and daughter began to help, they learned and now we prepare silver filigree pieces for special orders in my home workshop.
The filigree is like every situation in life, you take each silver thread and carefully shape it, if you were dedicated to each thread... the work you see finished surprises you, they look like your children, you shape it with great patience, dedication and love... what not?? (smiles).
The production process of a piece, such as a filigree ring, takes a very delicate and meticulous job, it begins with the silver threads where they are laminated (the thread is thinned) in a laminator, then the amount to be used is filed with thick, fine, round, square or triangular files, then with a little tweezer that can be a straight tip, curved tip or pressure, manually all the shapes and firuletes are made that your imagination tells you, then with the help of a torch is joined in a spiral to form plates that are assembled to form the work, finally the oxides in the metals and other remains are eliminated... 2 days have passed like this hahahaha.
I don't want to just go through life, I found something I can do and leave those who come behind... I wish everyone could do what they like, it's priceless my friend...